Nude slut. Swinging in Kismaayo

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Video Alice
Location: Kismaayo
34 years old

About Alice

Looking for a good friend who isn't afraid to be herself and teach me how to not care what others think! I'm missing my other half, the peanut butter to my jelly, the chocolate to my PMS, the cookies to my milk! (Apparently I'm hungry). I want someone to giggle with like teenage girls! Gossip about things that make no difference in the world! Cry to each other when we want to read into what our men say to us and twist it and feel like our lives suck because let's face it we all want that someone who isn't afraid to tell you that you are being a drama queen but doesn't judge you one little bit because next week is her turn! I want to hang out and watch movies and stuff our faces the entire duration of the movie and then complain that we are fat! Lets talk about our kids(I have a 2 year old boy) and wonder why we had them and then talk about what they did to make us laugh and then remember why we did! Lets go to the dog park, or just go for a walk, maybe get creative and go on a hike, and whine the entire time to each other that it was a horrible idea and then decide to sit in the woods by a crick(creek as you Coloradans say) we found and talk about the meaning of life and then come home and tell our husbands/boyfriends how far we didn't go so maybe they will rub our feet? Yeah now my hopes are up. Be my sons auntie and let me be your baby(s) auntie too! Grow old with me and we can still try hiking when were 80, we will probably get lost, but that just makes for another great story! I'm taking applications now to be my BFF! In return you get ME, a crazy, sometimes not as funny as I think,creative great friend! I'll be your yin, if you will be my yang! Email me about yourself! But make it silly, I find dullness hard to go anywhere with. Be yourself and I promise I won't judge! Anything going on in your life you want to talk? Have kids? Married? Show me the real you and I'll show you the real me!. I wanting man.

IM Melissa - Glamour, Class And Sophitication Are MY Best Features. My ultimate type of men are men well mannered, which show me their respect and truly appreciate my companion. I love when the date is spontaneous and I feel like your true partner for that time together without any drama. I love men in golden age around 40-55, but I know that you can be mature in 28 as well as very seductive in 60. Cliche of "sexy brain" and great manners is my case.. P.S. I’m built more for comfort than sports.. They may switch partners. I want to to try with a guy whose penis more than 20 cm.


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Sexual Fantasies:

✅Fisting vaginal
✅Sex anal
✅Golden shower (out)
✅Massage prostate


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  • Alice 0
  • Alice 1
  • Alice 2
Location: Kismaayo
19 years old

About me

We are nadine and roberto, a luxury exclusive couple. . Search real sex.

xxx. I am on Whatsapp.. To all members here that are not real please don't contact me.. We dabbled in and out and then finally for New Year's, we went for it: We brought a couple home for the first time since I had my daughter and it was awkward because it was the first time -- but fun.


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